Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff KMT:
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Africa-China-Taiwan Relations, 1949-2020 , The ongoing tension and hostility between China and Taiwan in Africa are a continuation of the Chinese Civil War (1927-1949) between the forces of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) which remained in mainland China, and the Kuomintang (KMT) of the Republic of China (ROC) which fled to the island of Taiwan. In the intervening years, China has claimed Taiwan as part of its territory and through persistent and aggressive political and economic efforts convinced much of the world to accept her as the sole and legitimate seat of the Chinese people and government. Africa-China-Taiwan Relations, 1949-2020 provides a coherent account of why and how China was able to convince African governments to acquiesce to her claims which have resulted in the expulsion of and the diplomatic isolation of Taiwan on the African continent. This volume, edited by Sabella Ogbobode Abidde, also explains Taiwan's unsuccessful efforts at blunting China's maneuvers. It further discusses the endogenous and exogenous factors that swayed African governments to switch their diplomatic allegiance away from Taiwan-a country that was for many years an ally and dependable partner in their quest for growth and development. Finally, the book contains critical assessments of the role and place of China and Taiwan and their current relationship with states and societies on the African continent. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 52.39 € | Versand*: 0 € -
With Carl Schuster, in search of folk-art motifs in China , Frank Liebenthal (1918 Berlin - 1991 Buenos Aires) was the eldest son of Prof. Walter Liebenthal (1886-1982), a German sinologist, indologist and philosopher who, in 1934, had to leave Germany for exile in Beijing, China because of his Jewish ancestry. Frank attended elementary school in Berlin-Tempelhof and high school at the Karl-Marx-Schule in Berlin-Neukölln. In August 1935, in face of his inability to pursue university studies in Germany due to Nazi-imposed restrictions, and seeing better opportunities in China, he and his aunt Irmgard Oenike travelled by the Trans-Siberian Railway to Beijing. During his last year in Germany, Frank had prepared for the entrance exams to Yenching University in Beijing. Having successfully passed them, he began his studies there in August 1935. In the summer of 1936, the American art historian Dr. Carl Schuster (1904-1969) invited Frank to join him on a study trip to Szechuan (Sichuan) Province. Dr. Schuster was one of the leading scholars in the fields of folklore and symbolism. This trip was the third trip that he undertook to collect old Chinese embroideries. At the time, China was in the midst of a civil war between the Nationalists (KMT) under Chiang Kaishek and the Communists under Mao Tsetung. There were also independent warlords in control of different regions. In addition, the Japanese invasion of China, launched in 1933 in northeastern China, had been gradually expanding into other areas. These aspects of reality were shaping the background throughout this study trip. Frank's travel diary recounts the very interesting and unique experiences he encountered during this 7-week journey into the Chinese hinterlands, between July 11 and August 29, 1936. Following the trip, he typed up his travel notes, carefully pasted in his own photos, and skillfully bounded the 96 pages into a neat little volume. A real treasure! The original photos are small, so we enlarged them and included them in the Appendix for a better appreciation, but you will notice that the quality of the photos is not always optimal. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 34.53 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Cai, Kevin G: Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations Since 1979: Policy Adjustment and Institutional Change Across the Straits
Cross-Taiwan Straits Relations Since 1979: Policy Adjustment and Institutional Change Across the Straits , With Taiwan's Kuomintang (KMT) regaining power from the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) on May 20, 2008, both Beijing and Taipei have been adjusting their policies toward each other. However, these recent changes can be seen as part of the overall ongoing process of policy adjustment in both Beijing and Taipei in response to changing domestic and external conditions since 1979. This book explores the process of policy adjustment and institutional change on both sides of the Taiwan Straits since 1979 and offers policy recommendations. By presenting a comparative and balanced discussion of cross-Straits relations from both mainland Chinese and Taiwanese perspectives, this work will help readers gain an enhanced understanding of this controversial issue. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 145.20 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Eigenschaften: Radial und stirnseitig einsetzbar, Schleifmop mit Schaft für handgeführte Maschinen zur Bearbeitung von profilierten Werkstücken, Innenflächen, engen und schwer erreichbaren Stellen besonders geeignet für radialen und stirnseitigen Einsatz
Preis: 46.92 € | Versand*: 5.95 € -
Taiwan's Politics in Action: Struggling to Win at the Ballot Box , Taiwan's Politics in Action: Struggling to Win at the Ballot Box is about the most interesting and exciting aspects of Taiwan's politics: political competition in the form of electioneering, campaigns and voting. The author first analyzes the theories, constructs or simply ideas about elections, especially who wins them and why. The most discussed by the pundits and the scholars are the watermelon and the pendulum theory: voting as before or not. The economic, or pocketbook, theory is also popular - although whether this means economic growth or greater equity has changed. Which party or candidate has the most money is also predictive. Other constructs or simply ideas are also commonplace. Divide and conquer is another approach. Another is the best campaign agenda; so too picking the most attractive candidates. Professionalism in campaigning and the use of social media are also favorite ideas. So is the appeal to voters' ethnicity, espousing liberal or conservative ideas, using protest, focusing on constant concerns such as peace and corruption and finally, the appeals of populism and progressivism. The author then examines Taiwan's two most recent elections, the 2018 mid-term (or collection of local elections) and the 2020 national presidential and legislative election to apply the theories. The Nationalist Party or Kuomintang (KMT) won the former; the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won the latter, giving the observer a choice of evidence about how to win. The author concludes that Taiwan's democracy is being challenged, but is still popular in spite of strong external forces and other worries. , Studium & Erwachsenenbildung > Fachbücher, Lernen & Nachschlagen
Preis: 97.70 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leadership and Authority in China , This volume presents elite conflicts and political controversies in China from 1895 to 1978 as rooted in two diametrically opposed visions of leadership and political authority: a radical, charismatic model that instills absolute authority in the single leader whose "will" guides the polity and whose "word" is the basis of policy formulation, versus an institutional model in which authority inheres in organization and where "collective" leadership and decision-making govern the political realm. The former model in modern Chinese history entailed a "leader principle" and personality cult that began with Sun Yatsen and Chiang Kaishek in the Nationalist Party (KMT) and reached its peak with the leadership cult of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Mao Zedong, especially during the 1966-1976 Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. The latter model with its emphasis on "collective leadership" (jiti lingdao) and "administrative rationalism" began as a reaction among early members of the CCP against the promotion of the Sun and Chiang leadership cults and became a central governing principle in the Communist Party that served as official leadership doctrine beginning with the formation of the Party in 1921. While tensions over leadership issues were relatively muted in the pre-1949 period and early 1950s of CCP history as an apparent "compromise" was reached in which from 1943 onward a cult of the leader was promoted for propaganda purposes but with collegial decision-making governing inner Party decision-making, the mid-to-late 1950s saw this "compromise" among the top leadership come under increasing strain and finally break down. Devoted to a fundamentally different vision of a "socialist" China from other top leaders on a number of economic, social, and political fronts, Mao Zedong pushed his domination of the policy process that ultimately provoked a wholesale assault on the CCP apparatus throughout the country while the leader cult reached mythic proportions during the Cultural Revolution. Confronted by the possibility of civil war and generally opposed to the takeover of the polity by the radical Gang of Four led by his wife Jiang Qing, by the mid-1970s the aging great leader acquiesced to the rebuilding of the CCP along traditional, "institutional" lines. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 80.12 € | Versand*: 0 € -
The KMT Returns to Power , In this book the author examines how the Nationalist Party (Kuomintang or KMT) returned to govern Taiwan after ruling for more than half a century but losing power in 2000 when the opposition Democratic Progressive Party's (DPP) Chen Shui-bian won the presidency and was reelected in 2004. Out of power and playing the role of opposition party the KMT won legislative and executive elections in 2008. It subsequently won mayoral elections in 2010 and elections again to the legislative and executive branches of government in 2012. The KMT returned to power by resolving internal differences between older and younger factions in the party, maintaining an alliance with friendly parties and preventing philosophical differences from mattering. It was helped by the debilitating corruption of the DPP's President Chen and good campaigning. In assessing these KMT election victories the author concludes that the KMT will probably remain the ruling party for some time. Its reputation for good economic management, democratization, honesty and good leaders seen against the DPP's still damaged reputation due to Chen's corruption, internal disagreements, its perorocial base, its inability to deal with China and the United States inhibit it from being able to return to power. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 156.51 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Leadership and Authority in China , This volume presents elite conflicts and political controversies in China from 1895 to 1978 as rooted in two diametrically opposed visions of leadership and political authority: a radical, charismatic model that instills absolute authority in the single leader whose "will" guides the polity and whose "word" is the basis of policy formulation, versus an institutional model in which authority inheres in organization and where "collective" leadership and decision-making govern the political realm. The former model in modern Chinese history entailed a "leader principle" and personality cult that began with Sun Yatsen and Chiang Kaishek in the Nationalist Party (KMT) and reached its peak with the leadership cult of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chairman Mao Zedong, especially during the 1966-1976 Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution. The latter model with its emphasis on "collective leadership" (jiti lingdao) and "administrative rationalism" began as a reaction among early members of the CCP against the promotion of the Sun and Chiang leadership cults and became a central governing principle in the Communist Party that served as official leadership doctrine beginning with the formation of the Party in 1921. While tensions over leadership issues were relatively muted in the pre-1949 period and early 1950s of CCP history as an apparent "compromise" was reached in which from 1943 onward a cult of the leader was promoted for propaganda purposes but with collegial decision-making governing inner Party decision-making, the mid-to-late 1950s saw this "compromise" among the top leadership come under increasing strain and finally break down. Devoted to a fundamentally different vision of a "socialist" China from other top leaders on a number of economic, social, and political fronts, Mao Zedong pushed his domination of the policy process that ultimately provoked a wholesale assault on the CCP apparatus throughout the country while the leader cult reached mythic proportions during the Cultural Revolution. Confronted by the possibility of civil war and generally opposed to the takeover of the polity by the radical Gang of Four led by his wife Jiang Qing, by the mid-1970s the aging great leader acquiesced to the rebuilding of the CCP along traditional, "institutional" lines. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 157.93 € | Versand*: 0 €
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für KMT:
Was ist eine KMT?
Was ist eine KMT? KMT steht für "Kuomintang", eine politische Partei in Taiwan. Die KMT wurde 1912 gegründet und spielte eine wichtige Rolle in der chinesischen Politik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Sie war lange Zeit die regierende Partei in China, bis sie 1949 von den Kommunisten unter Mao Zedong besiegt wurde und nach Taiwan floh. Heute ist die KMT eine der wichtigsten politischen Parteien in Taiwan und tritt regelmäßig bei Wahlen an.
Was heißt KMT?
KMT steht für Kuomintang, eine politische Partei in Taiwan, die 1912 gegründet wurde. Die KMT war lange Zeit die dominierende politische Kraft in China und spielte eine wichtige Rolle im chinesischen Bürgerkrieg. Heute ist die KMT eine der wichtigsten politischen Parteien in Taiwan und setzt sich für eine stärkere Beziehung zu China ein. Die Abkürzung KMT steht auch für "Kiss My Teeth" im Internet-Slang, was eine Aufforderung ist, sich zu beruhigen oder aufzuhören.
Was ist KMT Massage?
KMT Massage steht für "Klassische Massage Therapie" und ist eine Form der manuellen Therapie, die darauf abzielt, Verspannungen zu lösen, die Durchblutung zu fördern und die Entspannung zu verbessern. Diese Massageform wird oft zur Linderung von muskulären Beschwerden, Stress und zur Förderung des allgemeinen Wohlbefindens eingesetzt. Durch gezielte Griffe und Techniken werden Verspannungen gelöst und die Muskulatur entspannt. KMT Massage kann sowohl präventiv als auch therapeutisch eingesetzt werden, um die körperliche und geistige Gesundheit zu fördern.
Hätte China unter der Führung der KMT anders ausgesehen und sich anders entwickelt, wenn diese den Bürgerkrieg gegen die KPCh gewonnen hätten?
Es ist schwer zu sagen, wie China unter der Führung der KMT ausgesehen hätte, da dies von vielen Faktoren abhängt. Die KMT hatte eine stärkere Verbindung zum Westen und hätte wahrscheinlich eine stärkere Marktwirtschaft entwickelt. Es ist jedoch auch möglich, dass die KMT autoritär regiert hätte und die politischen Freiheiten eingeschränkt worden wären. Letztendlich hängt die Entwicklung eines Landes von vielen Faktoren ab und es ist schwierig, alternative Szenarien zu prognostizieren.
Was bedeutet in der Physiotherapie KMT?
In der Physiotherapie steht KMT für "Krankengymnastik am Gerät". Dabei handelt es sich um eine spezielle Form der physiotherapeutischen Behandlung, bei der gezielt an Geräten trainiert wird. Ziel ist es, die Muskulatur zu stärken, die Beweglichkeit zu verbessern und die Koordination zu schulen. KMT wird oft bei der Rehabilitation nach Verletzungen oder Operationen eingesetzt, um die Patienten wieder fit zu machen. Die individuell angepassten Übungen und das gezielte Training am Gerät helfen dabei, die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern und die Beschwerden zu lindern.
Was heißt KMT auf dem Rezept?
KMT auf einem Rezept steht für "Kochen, Mischen, Teilen" und ist eine Abkürzung für die Zubereitungsschritte eines Gerichts. Diese Anweisungen geben an, wie die Zutaten verarbeitet werden sollen, bevor sie weiterverarbeitet oder serviert werden. Es ist wichtig, diese Schritte genau zu befolgen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Gericht richtig zubereitet wird. Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, was KMT auf einem Rezept bedeutet, können Sie den Koch oder die Köchin um Hilfe bitten oder online nach einer Erklärung suchen. Es ist immer wichtig, alle Anweisungen auf einem Rezept sorgfältig zu lesen, um ein köstliches und gelungenes Gericht zu zaubern.
Wie kann man die Fähigkeit zur Entdeckung und Innovation in verschiedenen Bereichen wie Wissenschaft, Technologie, Kunst und Kultur fördern?
Die Förderung der Fähigkeit zur Entdeckung und Innovation erfordert eine offene und kreative Denkweise, die durch Bildung und Training entwickelt werden kann. Durch die Schaffung von Umgebungen, die Neugier und Experimentierfreude fördern, können Menschen ermutigt werden, neue Ideen zu entwickeln und zu erforschen. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen verschiedenen Disziplinen und der Austausch von Wissen können auch dazu beitragen, innovative Lösungen und Entdeckungen zu fördern. Darüber hinaus ist es wichtig, Ressourcen und Unterstützung für Forschung und kreative Projekte bereitzustellen, um die Fähigkeit zur Entdeckung und Innovation in verschiedenen Bereichen zu stärken.
Welche Bedeutung haben Knochenfunde für die Anthropologie, Archäologie und Forensik und wie tragen sie zur Erforschung der menschlichen Geschichte und Entwicklung bei?
Knochenfunde sind von großer Bedeutung für die Anthropologie, da sie Einblicke in die evolutionäre Entwicklung des Menschen ermöglichen. In der Archäologie helfen Knochenfunde dabei, vergangene Kulturen und Lebensweisen zu rekonstruieren. In der Forensik dienen Knochenfunde zur Identifizierung von Personen und zur Klärung von Todesumständen. Zusammen tragen sie zur Erforschung der menschlichen Geschichte und Entwicklung bei, indem sie Informationen über Lebensweise, Gesundheit, Migrationen und kulturelle Praktiken liefern.
Wie kann die Gestaltung von Namensschildern die Identifikation und Interaktion in verschiedenen Umgebungen wie Arbeitsplatz, Veranstaltungen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen verbessern?
Namensschilder ermöglichen es den Menschen, sich gegenseitig beim Namen zu nennen, was eine persönlichere und freundlichere Interaktion fördert. Sie erleichtern es auch, neue Kontakte zu knüpfen und erleichtern die Kommunikation in verschiedenen Umgebungen. Darüber hinaus schaffen Namensschilder eine transparente und offene Atmosphäre, die das Vertrauen und die Zusammenarbeit in Arbeitsumgebungen, Veranstaltungen und öffentlichen Einrichtungen fördert. Durch die Gestaltung von Namensschildern mit Firmenlogos oder Veranstaltungsthemen können sie auch das Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit und Teamarbeit stärken.
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